Notice is hereby given that the 82nd Annual General Meeting will be held virtually from 3pm to 3.30pm on Monday 25 September 2023.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the 81st Annual General Meeting.
  2. To consider and approve the Accounts for 2022.
  3. To elect the Presidential Team of the FMB.

    FMB Board nominations are:-
    • National President – Chris Carr.
    • National Vice President – Phillip Hall.
    • Immediate Past President – Jan Etchells.
  4. To appoint Auditors (Crowe UK LLP).
  5. Alterations to the FMB Rules.
  6. To consider motions on general policy matters submitted from UK Area Boards.
  7. Any other business of which notice has been given.

Covering papers will be made available on the website from 30 August 2023 onwards.

*UK Area Board motions on general policy matters should be submitted to [email protected] by Friday 25 August 2023.

How do I vote?

  • Members will receive an invitation to vote in advance of the FMB National AGM by email from Mi-Voice, an independent organisation, who are supporting the FMB with the process.
  • On or around 30 August 2023 the AGM email will be sent from [email protected], so please check your email inbox and junk/spam folder for your personal voting code. If you are unable to locate your AGM email please contact Mi-Voice at +44 (0) 2380 763 987 or email [email protected].
  • If you do not currently receive emails from the FMB please contact Mi-Voice, using the contact details above, who will issue you with a voting code and instruction to cast your AGM vote.

How do I attend?

The AGM will be held via Zoom and you will be able to confirm your attendance via the email sent on or around 30 August from [email protected].  You will then receive your Zoom joining instructions before the day of the meeting.

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