The Green Home Festival is part of the world-famous Edinburgh Festival Fringe with homeowners as the primary audience. The FMB is a lead organiser of the festival which is delivered by Construction Industry Collective Voice (CICV) of which the FMB is a member.
Each of the individual shows will engage the public and businesses in helping them to reduce their carbon footprint and improving the energy efficiency of their property. Join us to hear from professional builders, surveyors, heat pump installers and other experts in Charlotte Square Gardens.
Launching the 2024 Green Home Festival

The formal opening of the third Green Home Festival will take place in the heart of Edinburgh, with special guests and keynote speakers.
Back to the Future: The Retrofit Journey

The scale and accelerations required to retrofit Scotland's 2.7 million homes, and some of the new technologies on the block.
The Power of Electric Heating

This show will detail the merits of electric heating options and showcase the latest in electric boilers, radiators and smart heating technologies
Debunking Heat Pump Myths in Pre-1919 homes

Showing how, with careful planning and the right approach, pre-1919 properties can be upgraded to greener, more sustainable energy solutions.
The Community Heating Show

Join us to discover what heat networks are and why they're poised to become the primary method of heating homes and buildings in the future.
Funding Futures: Grants and Expertise for Eco-Friendly Homes

Gain essential insights into funding options and the importance of professional installers to help advance your eco-friendly projects with confidence.