The FMB runs informal virtual meetings for Scotland members on the last Wednesday of every month. This is an opportunity for you to network with other members and voice your concerns and ideas. Challenges with clients, materials, apprentices, and business growth are some of the topics which have been shared during our Zoom meetings.

The meetings also help the FMB to listen to and engage more effectively with members right across Scotland. Members will meet FMB Scotland’s Director, Gordon Nelson and Simone McAllister who leads on membership engagement in Scotland.

Pam Wilson, who is an FMB Scotland Board member said 'As a FMB member first and foremost, I’ve found these Zoom catch-ups to be very helpful and supportive, especially during these challenging times. We’ve shared business problems, concerns and discussed ideas for the FMB to develop for members in Scotland. I’d encourage members to ‘Zoom’ into these meetings and I look forward to continuing making new connections.'

How to join

Use the URL below to join the Scotland Zoom meeting at 4.30pm on Wednesday 29 November.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 5894 9692

Passcode: 658107


Simone McAllister

Simone McAllister

Membership Engagement Executive, Federation of Master Builders (FMB)

Find out more

Gordon Nelson

Gordon Nelson

Director, FMB Scotland

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