What we do

The Home Picks editorial team is committed to delivering honest, objective, and independent advice and reviews on home products and services. We employ a best-in-class review process to ensure accuracy and quality, to put the consumer first. Our mission is to help consumers make better decisions and we have committed to providing our content to consumers at no cost.

How we do it

We use a comprehensive research and review process that ensures transparency, integrity, and independence. 

  1. We spend a minimum of 500 hours independently researching each category we review. Our research can include: Interviews of company employees, consultations with our expert advisors, a review of hundreds of verified third party consumer reviews. 
  2. We survey thousands of in-market consumers to understand purchase experiences. We use these insights to inform our other analyses and research methods. 
  3. Every product and service is mystery shopped. Our mystery shopping is: Conducted by multiple people to reduce outliers and bias, informed by shopping personas covering a variety of needs and points of view (eg, geographies, ethnographies), and always inclusive of our writers.

About us

At the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), we can help you to live well and build better – connecting you with quality local builders for your next project, so you can build with confidence.

As the UK’s largest trade association for the construction industry representing small and medium sized building companies, we’ve been champions of quality construction work since 1941.

Our Master Builder members are committed to high standards and their membership of the FMB must be earned. Members have to pass a vetting and independent inspection process before joining to ensure they meet the high standards expected of a Master Builder company. Not all builders pass the test.

We are committed to a continuous improvement in building standards, building better through collaboration with government and industry partners. Our logo represents quality, trust, protection and experience.