As a Master Builder, you take pride in operating a responsible, law-abiding construction business. However, even the most diligent among us can sometimes overlook crucial details when it comes to waste management. This article aims to highlight some common pitfalls related to waste carriers permits and help you ensure full compliance.

The sandwich trap

You might be surprised to learn that even something as innocuous as carrying rubbish from your lunch could land you in hot water. It sounds far-fetched, but during a spot check in 2018, a roofer from Waltham Forest was fined £300, for carrying a bag of his lunchtime rubbish in his work van without a waste carriers permit. The lesson? If you're transporting any waste as part of your business activities, you need a permit.

Subcontractor slip-ups

It's important to understand that your employees are covered under your business's waste carrier’s permit when they transport waste as part of their work for you. However, this coverage does not extend to subcontractors, such as bona fide subcontractors or labour-only subcontractors, who operate as separate businesses.

Always check your subcontractors' permit status before asking them to move any rubbish.

Waste removal woes

Even if you hold a valid waste carriers permit, you could still face fines if you use an unlicensed waste removal company to dispose of your business waste. In 2022, a builder in Epping was fined over £7,000 for failing to check paperwork and using an unlicensed waste carrier. Whenever you engage a third party for waste removal, always verify their permit status.

Upper Tier permit for construction businesses

As a construction business, if you transport any waste as part of your normal operations, you automatically fall into the upper tier category for waste carriers permits. An upper tier waste carriers permit costs £154 for three years. You can register through the government's online portal: Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer - GOV.UK (

Check waste carrier registration

To check if a waste carrier is registered, use the Environment Agency's online tool. It's a quick and easy way to ensure you're working with compliant partners.

Trust but verify

As an FMB member, you are committed to upholding the highest standards in the construction industry. By understanding the common pitfalls around waste carriers permits and always verifying permit status for your own business, your subcontractors, and your waste removal partners, you can avoid costly fines and maintain your well-deserved reputation.

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Nicola De Sousa

Nicola De Sousa

Central Director

Nicola has a wealth of first-hand knowledge of construction matters, having been at the helm of an FMB member company for nearly 20 years.