The Construction Minister, Lee Rowley MP, yesterday visited a development in West London, where Federation of Master Builders (FMB) member Kisiel Group is building 21 high quality new homes for rent.

The visit, hosted by the FMB, the voice of small and medium sized building companies, was an opportunity to showcase the important contribution that local builders are making to building the homes we need, championing professionalism in the construction industry, and training the next generation of workers.

As well as touring the site, the Construction Minister spoke with young graduates starting out on their career in construction.

Construction Minister Lee Rowley MP site visit, Kisel Ltd, London 1.jpg
© Graham Martin Photography Construction Minister, Lee Rowley MP, meets with Kisiel Group employees.

Lee Rowley MP, Minister for Construction at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, said: "It was wonderful to see the skills and professionalism on show at Kisiel Group’s residential development in West London. Small and medium size building companies have a critical part to play in building the homes the UK needs.

The Minister concluded: "The Federation of Master Builders play an important role in championing these companies. As the voice of the sector I look forward to continuing to work closely with them to drive growth and train the next generation of the workforce.”

Construction Minister Lee Rowley MP site visit, Kisel Ltd, London 4.jpg
© Graham Martin Photography Annie Summun, Kisiel Group, speaks with Construction Minister, Lee Rowley MP.


Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the FMB, said: “I am really pleased that the Construction Minister joined us on site yesterday morning, and was able to not just get a detailed insight into the workings of a busy, local building project, but also experience the commitment to quality that sets FMB builders apart.”

Berry continued:  “SMEs make up over 95% of the construction sector with local firms often key employers in their local communities. They are in a great position to help level-up, and it’s important that the Construction Minister hears their perspective on the pressures caused by material price rises, labour shortages, unchecked rogue builders who give the business a bad name, and the need for direction in reaching net zero.”

Berry concluded: “Small builders may be innovative in dealing with these various difficulties, but they also need Government support if they are to thrive, not falter. I look forward to working closely with the Minister in the months ahead.”

Construction Minister Lee Rowley MP site visit, Kisel Ltd, London 5.jpg
© Graham Martin Photography Construction Minister, Lee Rowley MP, visits Kisiel Group.


Notes to editors

The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) is the largest trade association in the UK construction industry representing thousands of firms in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Established in 1941 to protect the interests of small and medium-sized (SME) construction firms, the FMB is independent and non-profit making, lobbying for members’ interests at both the national and local level.

The FMB is a source of knowledge, professional advice and support for its members, providing a range of modern and relevant business building services to help them succeed. The FMB is committed to raising quality in the construction industry and offers a free Find a Builder service to consumers. 

Award-winning Kisiel Group is a design and build construction company and a property developer, based in Sutton in Surrey. It has been a member of the FMB since 2014. Group Director of Public Affairs, Annie Summun, is member of the FMB’s Board of Directors and Chair of the FMB Training Group. Kisiel Group employ 26 people at their Ealing site, and have trained dozens of interns from nearby Kingston University, supporting several into full time employment at the company. They are building the new homes on behalf of SMC Property.

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