FMB member David Gutierrez of Amic Ltd
FMB member David Gutierrez of Amic Ltd spoke to students about the construction industry as a career prospect. 

With estimates suggesting that at least an extra 251,000 extra construction workers are needed by 2028 to meet expected levels of work, it’s vital that we look to encourage more people to consider joining our industry. In early July, FMB London board members Nik Nelberg from Earl and Calam Design and Build and David Gutierrez and his business partner John from Amic Limited joined British Gypsum and the CITB to take part in an event at a school in East London where over 240 Year 8 students could try their hand at bricklaying, carpentry, plumbing, plastering and learning about retrofit and energy efficiency to encourage them to consider construction as a career path.

FMB member Nik Nelberg of Earl and Clam Design and Build
The aim of the visit was to demonstrate the opportunities available to young people in the construction industry.

Organised in partnership with The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers and London Careers Hub East, the day was aimed to show young people what a great industry construction is and to hear from Master Builders as to the opportunities it can provide. At the beginning of each session, students were asked how many were considering construction as a career and afterwards the same question was asked, it was telling how many more, once they’d tried out the activities, would now look to work in construction.

FMB member David Gutierrez of Amic Ltd
Students were given the opportunity to try bricklaying, carpentry, plumbing, plastering, as well as learn about retrofit initiatives.

My thanks to Nik, David and John for taking the time out of their busy schedules to support this initiative.

FMB member David Gutierrez with business partner John from Amic Ltd
David Gutierrez with business partner John from Amic Ltd.

Want to get involved?

Sessions like this are just one of the ways the FMB members can help encourage the next generation into the industry and if you’d like to get involved in the future then just get in touch to see what opportunities are near you.

Get in touch and let me know if you’d like to get involved. 


Iain Kirtley

Iain Kirtley

Director, FMB South, Federation of Master Builders

With over 20 years’ experience of membership bodies, not for profit organisations and the private sector, Iain joined the FMB in August 2023 from the Chartered Institute of Building where he worked with construction companies of all sizes to support them with training, development and accreditation.