Jewson Live, 2024
This year's Jewson Live event attook place at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow.

A couple of hours before our Scotland AGM and summer reception for members kicked-off in Glasgow this month, I went to the Jewson Live event at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC). I was there to talk through the key asks in our Builders’ Manifesto: Growth from the ground up. With the general election just around the corner, delegates at Jewson Live, which also included FMB members, were the right audience to hear highlights from our manifesto.

Little did I know that taking the stage before me was football legend, Sir Kenny Dalglish. Now whilst I am well used to presenting in public and knew exactly what I was going to say, I was somewhat intimidated by witnessing the buzz around Sir Kenny. A few deep breaths cleared my mind and by the time I started, Sir Kenny and his entourage had migrated away from the stage – what a relief!

Also this month, taking to the stage at the Scottish Home Awards was FMB member McTaggart Construction Ltd. Congratulations to their team on winning the ‘Excellence in Customer Service’ award. Whilst fellow members H M Raitt & Sons Ltd were sadly pipped to the post for the ‘Renovation of the Year’ award on the night, I am sure both firms will be contenders for our 2025 Master Builder Awards. Details to follow in the autumn.

Breakfast for the roundtable

Working alongside 12 other built environment sector partners, the FMB co-produced a new report from the industry-led retrofit roundtable. This encouraged the Scottish Government to act quickly to adopt industry recommendations on retrofit.

Retrofit rountable
Above image is from the recently published report from the Retrofit Roundtable.

I have spoken with many members in Scotland on the potential opportunities of retrofit. There are a range of experience and views which is why the Chartered Institute Of Building (CIOB) and others wanted the FMB included on the retrofit roundtable.

On Tuesday 18 June, we briefed MSPs in the Scottish Parliament on the report over breakfast. The key issues and asks being:

  • BRE Trust data says two in every five occupied homes in Scotland do not meet quality standards, with the highest failure rates relating to energy efficiency.
  • The Scottish Government to develop a ministerial oversight group to deliver a retrofit plan.
  • The Scottish Government must set a clear path forward and ensure necessary resources and funding is in place to stimulate the market for retrofit works.
  • A fabric first, whole-home approach to retrofit is recommended.
  • Without taking on board the recommendations from the retrofit roundtable, households will be left with energy inefficient homes that are draughty and expensive to heat, as local contractors won’t be mobilised to deliver the necessary upgrades.

Funded training for members

Finally, I can advise that Associate Members, Esteem Training are now offering a fully funded programme in occupational work supervision. This starts in August in Edinburgh, and is ideal for supervisors looking to develop, grow in confidence and gain a recognised Vocational Qualification (VQ). It is a recognised route to the Gold Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Card. Please contact Tracey at Esteem Tel 07436 127 788 and find out more here.


Gordon Nelson

Gordon Nelson

FMB Scotland Hub Director, Federation of Master Builders

Director, Federation of Master Builders Scotland

Gordon has nearly twenty years’ experience of working in membership organisations in Scotland and joined the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) in 2014. Prior to this, he worked at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and for Unilever in business development, membership management and business-to-business marketing roles. Amongst his responsibilities in his role as the Director for FMB Scotland are public affairs, media relations, governance and representing member’s interests to Scottish policy makers and stakeholders within the Scottish construction industry. Gordon is the Secretary of the Cross-Party Group on Construction in the Scottish Parliament, and he is a member of the Scottish Building Standards Futures Board. Gordon represents the FMB on Scotland’s Construction Industry Collective Voice: which is comprised of the leading construction trade and professional bodies. In spring 2023 Gordon was appointed as an industry co-chair of the Construction Leaderships Forum’s (CLF) Transformation Board.

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