Public sector contracts – they're a goldmine for businesses, offering stability, large budgets, and the chance to contribute to worthy projects. But for many, navigating the bureaucratic maze can feel overwhelming. In the FMB’s recent members-only webinar on how to produce top tenders that win you work, Nigel Denison and Kate Skillman of Gimlet Associates set out how to take the initial steps in finding and cherry-picking contracts that are right for your business.

This guide summarises their advice and will equip you with the knowledge and tools to discover lucrative opportunities, craft winning bids, and land those coveted contracts. FMB members can log in to access the full webinar for further step-by-step advice on how to complete a successful tender.

Know your limits, find what fits

Before diving headfirst, take time to look at your company in an honest light. What are your current capabilities, future ambitions, and what will you need to undertake to get your company ready to meet the needs of the public sector bidding process and delivery. This self-assessment will guide you towards realistic opportunities that match your skillset and resources.

Remember, being selective is crucial. Spreading yourself too thinly can dilute your efforts and lead to disappointment. As a Small to Medium sized company (SME) it is usually the best approach to tackle one bid at any one time, to allow time and resources to craft a bespoke and well-thought-out bid.

builder viewing large project
Be realistic about the scale and type of public procurement project your company can confidently take on board.

Where to find public sector contracts

Government resources like Contracts Finder and its ‘big brother’ Find a Tender for higher value contracts, allow you to easily search for contracts of all sizes across England. These can help you to get a feel for the type of contracts available. Crucially, they allow you to search for bids that have already been won – where you can glean information about the type of companies that have won them and their value.

Similar resources exist for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, alongside private platforms. Here’s just a small selection:

Seek out your targets

Being able to anticipate and sniff out public sector contracts before they are published can be a sure way to get your foot in the door. Proactive networking is key and you will need to spend time putting out feelers to identify who the buyers are at the publishing authority or organisation. Searching their website or attending "meet the buyer" events can help to build relationships with the relevant people. Staying informed can give you a heads up about bids that would be a great fit for your company.

The bid's anatomy

Once you've identified a promising opportunity, it's time to dissect the bid pack. This treasure trove holds the key to crafting a winning submission. Pay close attention to instructions, specifications, pricing documents, and evaluation criteria.

Don't underestimate the power of clarification questions - they can illuminate ambiguities and strengthen your proposal. Always follow the process they have outlined for clarification questions and submit them early (they may be a deadline for questions). This gives you time to form response. Send one query per clarification question so there’s no room for the reader to misunderstand or skip over text. Crucially, you should keep them anonymous and don’t reveal who your company is if possible. If you receive an unclear response, don’t hesitate to go back to them.

Internal housekeeping

Before you start to write your bid, you’ll need to get your ducks in a row. Document your company's processes– it’s likely you may be asked to produce your written procedures for site access management, how you minimise neighbourhood disruptions, as well as Health and Safety procedures and accreditations.

These standards provide vital assurance to authorities and demonstrate your professionalism. Additionally, prepare evidence of past projects, testimonials, and CVs to showcase your expertise and reliability. You will probably be asked for these by the authority that’s published the contract, so it pays to be prepared.

Sustainability matters

Public sector contracts increasingly prioritise sustainability and social value and this will undoubtably make up part of your evaluation scoring. Make sure your proposal reflects your commitment to these principles. Outline the steps you'll take to minimise environmental impact and leave a positive legacy in the local community.


Landing public sector contracts requires meticulous preparation, strategic targeting, and a focus on quality. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to finding lucrative deals and making a valuable contribution to the public good.

This blog is just a starting point. As an FMB member, you can access detailed guidance on how to break down your bid response in our exclusive webinar. The FMB is here to help our members' businesses thrive – whether that’s through our series of webinars, online training and mentorship, or with advice from our helplines, which can assist with practical matters like tax, HR and debt recovery.

Take a look at the benefits and start your application today.

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