As housing delivery numbers are sitting at generational lows here in Northern Ireland, the FMB is supportive of the ambition to meet increased targets.
When the FMB had the chance to meet with Minster Gordon Lyons recently our discussions turned to how that vision transfers to delivery. We need to build the right, safe and warm homes in the right places for the right cost. For this to happen it will take more than good will and requires considerable cross-departmental support and change.
FMB members Steven Nickell of Nickell & Richmond and Mark Gribben of Setanta Ltd, along with myself outlined several common challenges that most SME contractors wanting to build and develop have to contend with.
What key issues were raised?
- What collaboration between the Department of Communities and Infrastructure is happening to address the crippling water connections issues?
- What does NI Electricity’s capacity, with increased demands on the grid for new homes to connect, look like?
- How can we see more accountability and vast improvement for the shocking delays in the planning system?
- What priorities has the Minister addressed with The Department of Economy, to make sure we are attracting the right competent skilled labour force for the step up in new homes delivery?
What is the next stage for this strategy?
We were assured by officials that action plans are being worked on across departments and will be live for scrutiny soon. We look forward to seeing these as soon as possible. There is no doubt the devil will be in the detail of those plans and the FMB will continue to scrutinise that content and keep communicating on behalf of its members to Government.
Despite the challenges, we want to see beyond those and view them as opportunities to re-energise our home building market here. Providing jobs, safe and affordable homes for many, are actions for both industry and primarily public representatives to take off a page and make reality. FMB members stand ready and willing to be part of that delivery process.