Displaying 33 results
Scots would splash £31k on home refurb if they had confidence in building industry
Scots would splash £31k on home refurb if they had confidence in building industry, new FMB Scotland research reveals
Londoners would splash £67k on home refurb if they had confidence in building industry
Londoners would splash £67k on home refurb if they had confidence in building industry, new FMB London research reveals
40 per cent of ‘Airbnb-style’ landlords reinvest earnings in refurb work
The key results from our research into the spending patterns of landlords who use short-term holiday rental sites showed 40 per cent of those who rent out their homes on ‘Airbnb-style’ websites reinvest their earnings in home improvement projects.
NI home owners would splash £64k on refurb work if they had confidence in building industry
NI home owners would splash £64k on refurb work if they had confidence in building industry, new FMB NI research reveals
People in Wales would splash £33k on home refurb if they had confidence in building industry
People in Wales would splash £33k on home refurb if they had confidence in building industry, new FMB Cymru research reveals